Tagged "Docker"

Building Multi-Platform Docker Images for Intel and ARM with AWS CodeBuild


The Docker BuildKit buildx CLI plugin simplifies building Docker images for different OS/CPU platforms (e.g. linux/amd64, linux/arm64, linux/arm, windows/amd64)

So why is it a big deal now? Who needs Docker images for Arm platform anyway. Raspberry Pi geeks?

A good reason for this is just a one word Graviton2…

Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes microservices

Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes microservices


Starting Point

Over last years we’ve been adopting several concepts for our project, straggling to make them work together.

The first one is the Microservice Architecture. We did not start it clean and by the book, rather applied it to the already existing project: splitting big services into smaller and breaking excessive coupling. The refactoring work is not finished yet. New services, we are building, starts looking more like “microservices”, while there are still few that, I would call “micro-monoliths”. I have a feeling that this is a typical situation for an already existing project, that tries to adopt this new architecture pattern: you are almost there, but there is always a work to be done.

Chaos Testing for Docker Containers

What follows is the text of my presentation, Chaos Testing for Docker Containers that I gave at ContainerCamp in London this year. I’ve also decided to turn the presentation into an article. I edited the text slightly for readability and added some links for more context. You can find the original video recording and slides at the end of this post.

Docker Chaos Testing


Software development is about building software services that support business needs. More complex businesses processes we want to automate and integrate with. the more complex software system we are building. And solution complexity is tend to grown over time and scope.

Debugging remote Node.js application running in a Docker container


Suppose you want to debug a Node.js application already running on a remote machine inside Docker container. And would like to do it without modifying command arguments (enabling debug mode) and opening remote Node.js debugger agent port to the whole world.

I bet you didn’t know that it’s possible and also have no idea how to do it.

I encourage you to continue reading this post if you are eager to learn some new cool stuff.

Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build


Starting from Docker 17.05+, you can create a single Dockerfile that can build multiple helper images with compilers, tools, and tests and use files from above images to produce the final Docker image.

Multi-stage Docker Build

The “core principle” of Dockerfile

Docker can build images by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text file that contains a list of all the commands needed to build a new Docker image. The syntax of Dockerfile is pretty simple and the Docker team tries to keep it intact between Docker engine releases.

Crafting perfect Java Docker build flow


What is the bare minimum you need to build, test and run my Java application in Docker container?

The recipe: Create a separate Docker image for each step and optimize the way you are running it.

Duke and Container


I started working with Java in 1998, and for a long time, it was my main programming language. It was a long love–hate relationship.

DDuring my work career, I wrote a lot of code in Java. Despite that fact, I don’t think Java is usually the right choice for writing microservices running in Docker containers.

Everyday hacks for Docker

In this post, I’ve decided to share with you some useful commands and tools, I’m frequently using, working with amazing Docker technology. There is no particular order or “coolness level” for every “hack”. I will try to present the use case and how does specific command or tool help me with my work.

Docker Hacks

Cleaning up

Working with Docker for some time, you start to accumulate development junk: unused volumes, networks, exited containers and unused images.

Deploy Docker Compose (v3) to Swarm (mode) Cluster

Disclaimer: all code snippets bellow are working only with Docker 1.13+


Docker 1.13 simplifies deployment of composed application to a swarm (mode) cluster. And you can do it without creating a new dab (Distribution Application Bundle) file, but just using familiar and well-known docker-compose.yml syntax (with some additions) and --compose-file option.

Compose to Swarm

Swarm cluster

Docker Engine 1.12 introduced a new swarm mode for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. Docker swarm mode implements Raft Consensus Algorithm and does not require using external key value store anymore, such as Consul or etcd.

Do not ignore .dockerignore


Tip: Consider to define and use .dockerignore file for every Docker image you are building. It can help you to reduce Docker image size, speedup docker build and avoid unintended secret exposure.

Overloaded container ship

Docker build context

The docker build command is used to build a new Docker image. There is one argument you can pass to the build command build context.

So, what is the Docker build context?

Docker Swarm cluster with docker-in-docker on MacOS


Docker-in-Docker dind can help you to run Docker Swarm cluster on your Macbook only with Docker for Mac (v1.12+). No virtualbox, docker-machine, vagrant or other app is required.

The Beginning

One day, I’ve decided to try running Docker 1.12 Swarm cluster on my MacBook Pro. Docker team did a great job releasing Docker for Mac, and from that time I forgot all problems I used to have with boot2docker. I really like Docker for Mac: it’s fast, lightweight, tightly integrated with MacOS and significantly simplifies my life when working in changing network environment. The only missing thing is that it’s possible to create and work with single Docker daemon running inside xhyve VM. Shit! I want a cluster.

Network emulation for Docker containers


Pumba netem delay and netem loss commands can emulate network delay and packet loss between Docker containers, even on single host. Give it a try!


Microservice architecture has been adopted by software teams as a way to deliver business value faster. Container technology enables delivery of microservices into any environment. Docker has accelerated this by providing an easy to use toolset for development teams to build, ship, and run distributed applications. These applications can be composed of hundreds of microservices packaged in Docker containers.

Pumba - Chaos Testing for Docker

Update (27-07-27): Updated post to latest v0.2.0 Pumba version change.


The best defense against unexpected failures is to build resilient services. Testing for resiliency enables the teams to learn where their apps fail before the customer does. By intentionally causing failures as part of resiliency testing, you can enforce your policy for building resilient systems. Resilience of the system can be defined as its ability to continue functioning even if some components of the system are failing - ephemerality. Growing popularity of distributed and microservice architecture makes resilience testing critical for applications that now require 24x7x365 operation. Resilience testing is an approach where you intentionally inject different types of failures at the infrastructure level (VM, network, containers, and processes) and let the system try to recover from these unexpected failures that can happen in production. Simulating realistic failures at any time is the best way to enforce highly available and resilient systems.

Testing Strategies for Docker Containers

Congratulations! You know how to build a Docker image and are able to compose multiple containers into a meaningful application. Hopefully, you’ve already created a Continuous Delivery pipeline and know how to push your newly created image into production or testing environment.

Now, the question is - How do we test our Docker containers?

There are multiple testing strategies we can apply. In this post, I’ll highlight them presenting benefits and drawbacks for each.

Docker Pattern: The Build Container

Let’s say that you’re developing a microservice in a compiled language or an interpreted language that requires some additional “build” steps to package and lint your application code. This is a useful docker pattern for the “build” container.

In our project, we’re using Docker as our main deployment package: every microservice is delivered as a Docker image. Each microservice also has it’s own code repository (GitHub), and its own CI build job.

Docker Pattern: Deploy and update dockerized application on cluster

Docker is great technology that simplifies development and deployment of distributed applications.

While Docker serves as a core technology, many issues remain to be solved. We find ourselves struggling with some of these issues. For example:

  • How to create an elastic Docker cluster?
  • How to deploy and connect multiple containers together?
  • How to build CI/CD process?
  • How to register and discover system services and more?

For most, there are open source projects, or services available from the community as well as commercially, including from Docker, Inc.