Tagged "Swarm"

Deploy Docker Compose (v3) to Swarm (mode) Cluster

Disclaimer: all code snippets bellow are working only with Docker 1.13+ TL;DR Docker 1.13 simplifies deployment of composed application to a swarm (mode) cluster. And you can do it without creating a new dab (Distribution Application Bundle) file, but just using familiar and well-known docker-compose.yml syntax (with some additions) and --compose-file option. Swarm cluster Docker Engine 1.12 introduced a new swarm mode for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm.

Docker Swarm cluster with docker-in-docker on MacOS

TL;DR Docker-in-Docker dind can help you to run Docker Swarm cluster on your Macbook only with Docker for Mac (v1.12+). No virtualbox, docker-machine, vagrant or other app is required. The Beginning One day, I’ve decided to try running Docker 1.12 Swarm cluster on my MacBook Pro. Docker team did a great job releasing Docker for Mac, and from that time I forgot all problems I used to have with boot2docker. I really like Docker for Mac: it’s fast, lightweight, tightly integrated with MacOS and significantly simplifies my life when working in changing network environment.