Tagged "node"

Debugging remote Node.js application running in a Docker container


Suppose you want to debug a Node.js application already running on a remote machine inside Docker container. And would like to do it without modifying command arguments (enabling debug mode) and opening remote Node.js debugger agent port to the whole world.

I bet you didn’t know that it’s possible and also have no idea how to do it.

I encourage you to continue reading this post if you are eager to learn some new cool stuff.

Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build


Starting from Docker 17.05+, you can create a single Dockerfile that can build multiple helper images with compilers, tools, and tests and use files from above images to produce the final Docker image.

Multi-stage Docker Build

The “core principle” of Dockerfile

Docker can build images by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text file that contains a list of all the commands needed to build a new Docker image. The syntax of Dockerfile is pretty simple and the Docker team tries to keep it intact between Docker engine releases.