Get a Shell to a Kubernetes Node
Throughout the lifecycle of your Kubernetes cluster, you may need to access a cluster worker node. This access could be for maintenance, configuration inspection, log collection, or other troubleshooting operations. More than that, it would be nice, if you could enable this access whenever it’s needed and disable when you finish your task.
SSH Approach
While it’s possible to configure Kubernetes nodes with SSH access, this also makes worker nodes more vulnerable. Using SSH requires a network connection between the engineer’s machine and the EC2 instance, something you may want to avoid. Some users set up a jump server (also called bastion host) as a typical pattern to minimize the attack surface from the Internet. But this approach still requires from you to manage access to the bastion servers and protect SSH keys. IMHO, managing supporting SSH infrastructure, is a high price to pay, especially if you just wanted to get a shell access to a worker node or to run some commands.
Kubernetes Approach
The Kubernetes command line tool, kubectl
, allows you to run different commands against a Kubernetes cluster. You can manipulate Kubernetes API objects, manage worker nodes, inspect cluster, execute commands inside running container, and get an interactive shell to a running container.
Suppose you have a pod
, named shell-demo
. To get a shell to the running container on this pod
, just run:
kubectl exec -it shell-demo -- /bin/bash
# see shell prompt ...
How Does exec
kubectl exec
invokes Kubernetes API Server and it “asks” a Kubelet
“node agent” to run an exec
command against CRI (Container Runtime Interface), most frequently it is a Docker runtime.
The docker exec
API/command creates a new process, sets its namespaces to a target container’s namespaces and then executes the requested command, handling also input and output streams for created process.
The Idea
A Linux system starts out with a single namespace of each type (mount, process, ipc, network, UTS, and user), used by all processes.
So, we need to do is to run a new pod
, and connect it to a worker node host namespaces.
A Helper Program
It is possible to use any Docker image with shell on board as a “host shell” container. There is one limitation, you should be aware of - it’s not possible to join mount namespace
of target container (or host).
The nsenter
is a small program from util-linux
package, that can run program with namespaces
(and cgroups
) of other processes. Exactly what we need!
Most Linux distros ship with an outdated version of util-linux
. So, I prepared the alexeiled/nsenter Docker image with nsenter
program on-board. This is a super small Docker image, of 900K
size, created from scratch
image and a single statically linked nsenter
binary (v2.34
Use the helper script below, also available in alexei-led/nsenter GitHub repository, to run a new nsenter pod
on specified Kubernetes worker node. This helper script create a privileged nsenter pod
in a host’s process and network namespaces, running nsenter
with --all
flag, joining all namespaces
and cgroups
and running a default shell as a superuser (with su -
The nodeSelector
makes it possible to specify a target Kubernetes node to run nsenter pod
The "tolerations": [{"operator": "Exists"}]
parameter helps to match any node taint
, if specified.
Helper script
# get cluster nodes
kubectl get nodes
# output
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 8d v1.13.7-eks-c57ff8 Ready <none> 7d11h v1.13.7-eks-c57ff8
# open superuser shell on specified node
# prompt
[root@ip-192-168-151-104 ~]#
# pod will be destroyed on exit
set -x
nodeName=$(kubectl get node ${node} -o template --template='{{index .metadata.labels ""}}')
nodeSelector='"nodeSelector": { "": "'${nodeName:?}'" },'
kubectl run ${podName:?} --restart=Never -it --rm --image overriden --overrides '
"spec": {
"hostPID": true,
"hostNetwork": true,
"tolerations": [{
"operator": "Exists"
"containers": [
"name": "nsenter",
"image": "alexeiled/nsenter:2.34",
"command": [
"/nsenter", "--all", "--target=1", "--", "su", "-"
"stdin": true,
"tty": true,
"securityContext": {
"privileged": true
}' --attach "$@"
Management of Kubernetes worker nodes on AWS
When running a Kubernetes cluster on AWS, Amazon EKS or self-managed Kubernetes cluster, it is possible to manage Kubernetes nodes with [AWS Systems Manager] Using AWS Systems Manager (AWS SSM), you can automate multiple management tasks, apply patches and updates, run commands, and access shell on any managed node, without a need of maintaining SSH infrastructure.
In order to manage a Kubernetes node (AWS EC2 host), you need to install and start a SSM Agent daemon, see AWS documentation for more details.
But we are taking a Kubernetes approach, and this means we are going to run a SSM Agent as a daemonset
on every Kubernetes node in a cluster. This approach allows you to run an updated version SSM Agent without a need to install it into a host machine and do it only when needed.
First, you need to attach the AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
policy to Kubernetes worker nodes instance role. Without this policy, you wont be able to manage Kubernetes worker nodes with AWS SSM.
Then, clone the alexei-led/kube-ssm-agent GitHub repository. It contains a properly configured SSM Agent daemonset
The daemonset
uses the alexeiled/aws-ssm-agent:<ver>
Docker image that contains:
- AWS SSM Agent, the same version as Docker image tag
- Docker CLI client
- AWS CLI client
- Vim and additional useful programs
Run to deploy a new SSM Agent daemonset:
kubectl create -f daemonset.yaml
Once SSM Agent daemonset is running you can run any aws ssm
Run to start a new SSM terminal session:
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2 aws ssm start-session --target <instance-id>
starting session with SessionId: ...
sh-4.2$ ls
sh-4.2$ pwd
sh-4.2$ bash -i
[ssm-user@ip-192-168-84-111 ssm]$
[ssm-user@ip-192-168-84-111 ssm]$ exit
sh-4.2$ exit
Exiting session with sessionId: ...
The daemonset.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
name: ssm-agent
k8s-app: ssm-agent
namespace: kube-system
name: ssm-agent
name: ssm-agent
# join host network namespace
hostNetwork: true
# join host process namespace
hostPID: true
# join host IPC namespace
hostIPC: true
# tolerations
- effect: NoExecute
operator: Exists
- effect: NoSchedule
operator: Exists
- image: alexeiled/aws-ssm-agent:2.3.680
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: ssm-agent
runAsUser: 0
privileged: true
# Allows systemctl to communicate with the systemd running on the host
- name: dbus
mountPath: /var/run/dbus
- name: run-systemd
mountPath: /run/systemd
# Allows to peek into systemd units that are baked into the official EKS AMI
- name: etc-systemd
mountPath: /etc/systemd
# This is needed in order to fetch logs NOT managed by journald
# journallog is stored only in memory by default, so we need
# If all you need is access to persistent journals, /var/log/journal/* would be enough
# FYI, the volatile log store /var/run/journal was empty on my nodes. Perhaps it isn't used in Amazon Linux 2 / EKS AMI?
# See for more background
- name: var-log
mountPath: /var/log
- name: var-run
mountPath: /var/run
- name: run
mountPath: /run
- name: usr-lib-systemd
mountPath: /usr/lib/systemd
- name: etc-machine-id
mountPath: /etc/machine-id
- name: etc-sudoers
mountPath: /etc/sudoers.d
# for systemctl to systemd access
- name: dbus
path: /var/run/dbus
type: Directory
- name: run-systemd
path: /run/systemd
type: Directory
- name: etc-systemd
path: /etc/systemd
type: Directory
- name: var-log
path: /var/log
type: Directory
# mainly for dockerd access via /var/run/docker.sock
- name: var-run
path: /var/run
type: Directory
# var-run implies you also need this, because
# /var/run is a synmlink to /run
# sh-4.2$ ls -lah /var/run
# lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Nov 14 07:22 /var/run -> ../run
- name: run
path: /run
type: Directory
- name: usr-lib-systemd
path: /usr/lib/systemd
type: Directory
# Required by journalctl to locate the current boot.
# If omitted, journalctl is unable to locate host's current boot journal
- name: etc-machine-id
path: /etc/machine-id
type: File
# Avoid this error > ERROR [MessageGatewayService] Failed to add ssm-user to sudoers file: open /etc/sudoers.d/ssm-agent-users: no such file or directory
- name: etc-sudoers
path: /etc/sudoers.d
type: Directory
As you see, it’s relatively easy to manage Kubernetes nodes in a pure Kubernetes way, without taking unnecessary risks and managing complex SSH infrastructure.
Docker imagealexei-led/nsenter
GitHub repositorynsenter
man page- alexei-led/kube-ssm-agent SSM Agent for Amazon EKS