Tagged "GKE"

Kubernetes and Secrets Management in Cloud: Part 2

Introduction Secrets are essential for operation of many production systems. Unintended secrets exposure is one of the top risks that should be properly addressed. Developers should do their best to protect application secrets. The problem becomes even harder, once company moves to a microservice architecture and multiple services require an access to different secrets in order to properly work. And this leads to a new challenges: how to distribute, manage, monitor and rotate application secrets, avoiding unintended exposure?

Securely access AWS from GKE

Securely Access AWS from GKE It is not a rare case when an application running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) needs to access Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs. Any application has needs. Maybe it needs to run an analytics query on Amazon Redshift, access data stored in Amazon S3 bucket, convert text to speech with Amazon Polly or use any other AWS service. This multi-cloud scenario is common nowadays, as companies are working with multiple cloud providers.

Kubernetes and Secrets Management in Cloud

Introduction Secrets are essential for operation of many production systems. Unintended secrets exposure is one of the top risks that should be properly addressed. Developers should do their best to protect application secrets. The problem becomes even harder, once company moves to a microservice architecture and multiple services require an access to different secrets in order to properly work. And this leads to a new challenges: how to distribute, manage, monitor and rotate application secrets, avoiding unintended exposure?