Scaling Kubernetes Workloads with Vertical Workload Autoscaler (VWA)


Vertical scaling is essential in Kubernetes environments where workloads need to adjust their CPU and memory resources dynamically to meet changing demands. While Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) manages scaling by adjusting the number of pod replicas, certain workloads—particularly those with stateful configurations or strict resource requirements—benefit more from vertical scaling, which optimizes resource allocation within individual pods.

The Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) is a widely used solution for vertical scaling in Kubernetes, providing recommendations and automatic adjustments of pod resources. However, VPA can introduce disruptions, as it typically requires evicting and restarting pods to apply new resource limits. This can lead to service interruptions and instability, particularly in production environments or applications requiring high availability.

The Vertical Workload Autoscaler (VWA) addresses these challenges by offering a more controlled and configurable approach to applying vertical scaling recommendations. With VWA, resource updates can be managed with greater flexibility, minimizing downtime and disruptions while ensuring workloads run efficiently.

Problem Statement

Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) provides an essential capability for automatically adjusting CPU and memory requests based on actual usage, optimizing resource utilization in dynamic workloads. However, its current implementation poses significant challenges that hinder its broader adoption, particularly in production environments.

Immediate Pod Evictions

The existing VPA Updater and Admission Controller mechanisms apply new resource recommendations by evicting pods immediately. This approach, while necessary for resource adjustment, can cause application downtime or instability, making it unsuitable for critical workloads that require continuous availability.

Lack of Fine-Grained Control

VPA’s built-in functionality does not offer flexibility in managing the timing, frequency, or magnitude of resource adjustments. Users cannot configure precise update intervals or gradual changes (step size), limiting their control over how and when adjustments are made, especially in environments with strict performance or operational constraints.

Conflicts with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and KEDA

VPA operates independently of Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and KEDA, both of which are commonly used to scale pods based on CPU and memory metrics. This independence often leads to conflicts in scaling decisions between the autoscalers, resulting in inefficient resource management and potential performance degradation.

Limitations with StatefulSets and DaemonSets

VPA’s methodology for applying resource updates can disrupt the scaling and management requirements of StatefulSets and DaemonSets. These types of workloads have unique characteristics, such as ordered restarts and strict identity preservation, which do not align well with VPA’s eviction-based updates.

Overall, while VPA offers substantial benefits for resource optimization, these limitations in its current form restrict its applicability in production environments where workload stability, fine-grained control, and seamless integration with other autoscaling tools are critical.

VPA Overview

The Kubernetes Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) helps optimize resource allocation by automatically adjusting CPU and memory requests for pods based on historical and real-time usage. It improves efficiency by preventing over-provisioning and ensuring workloads have the right amount of resources at any given time. VPA consists of the following core components:

VPA Recommender

The Recommender monitors and analyzes resource usage patterns over time and generates optimal resource requests (CPU and memory) for containers.

VPA Updater

The Updater applies the Recommender’s suggestions by recreating pods with the updated resource requests, ensuring pods have the correct resources over time.

VPA Admission Controller

The Admission Controller modifies the resource requests of new pods based on VPA recommendations at the time of pod creation.

Installing VPA Recommender Only

To install just the VPA Recommender without the Updater or Admission Controller, use the Fairwinds Helm Chart:

helm install vpa fairwinds-stable/vpa --version 4.6.0 --set "recommender.enabled=true,updater.enabled=false,admissionController.enabled=false,metrics-server.enabled=true,recommender.image.tag=1.2.1" --namespace vpa --create-namespace

Tuning VPA Recommender Parameters

When configuring the VPA Recommender, consider these key parameters for adjusting recommendation behavior:

By adjusting these parameters, you can fine-tune the VPA Recommender to align with your workload characteristics and cluster performance needs.

Vertical Workload Autoscaler (VWA): A Flexible and Controlled Approach

The Vertical Workload Autoscaler (VWA) enhances the functionality of the Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) by providing a more flexible and controlled method for applying resource recommendations. This makes VWA a safer and more configurable alternative to the standard VPA Updater and Admission Controller.


VWA builds upon the VPA framework, relying on the VPA Recommender component to generate resource recommendations essential for effective vertical scaling. While VPA determines the appropriate resource allocations, VWA introduces significant improvements by allowing these recommendations to be applied in a controlled manner, thus respecting the workload’s defined update strategies and disruption budgets. VWA effectively replaces the VPA Updater and VPA Admission Controller, offering a unified solution for managing vertical scaling in Kubernetes environments.

VWA Architecture

Key Features

Addressing VPA Limitations

Harmonizing with HPA and KEDA

VWA’s ability to detect HPA or KEDA usage ensures that vertical scaling complements horizontal scaling. For example, if HPA (or KEDA) scales based on CPU metrics, VWA can ignore CPU recommendations, focusing on memory adjustments instead. This prevents conflicts and ensures both scaling methods operate smoothly.

This comprehensive approach ensures that VWA provides a safer and more flexible vertical scaling solution while maintaining the availability and performance of workloads in diverse Kubernetes environments.

Vertical Workload Autoscaler CRD

VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler CRD Example

kind: VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler
  name: example-vwa
    name: example-vpa
    - dayOfWeek: Monday
      startTime: "01:00"
      endTime: "05:00"
      timeZone: "UTC"
  avoidCPULimit: true
  ignoreCPURecommendations: false
  ignoreMemoryRecommendations: false
  qualityOfService: Guaranteed
  updateFrequency: "5m"
    cpu: 10
    memory: 10
    example-annotation: "true"
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-01T12:34:56Z"
      message: "Successfully updated resource requests"
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: ResourceUpdateSuccessful
      status: "True"
      type: UpdateSucceeded
    - conflictWith: HPA
      resource: example-hpa
      reason: "Conflict with CPU scaling metrics"
  lastUpdated: "2024-10-01T12:34:56Z"
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "256Mi"
        cpu: "1000m"
        memory: "512Mi"
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: example-deployment

Explanation of Fields

Status Fields

Comparison with VPA Updater and Admission Controller

While the VPA Updater and Admission Controller are core components of the Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) system, they have certain limitations that can impact production workloads, especially in environments where minimizing disruption and gaining granular control over scaling decisions are important. The VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler (VWA) controller addresses many of these concerns while offering a more flexible and safer approach to vertical scaling.

VPA Updater

The VPA Updater works by monitoring running pods and determining when they need resource adjustments, based on recommendations from the VPA Recommender. When updates are necessary, it evicts pods to allow new pods to be recreated with updated resource requests and limits. While this process is efficient for applying recommendations, it has some downsides:

VPA Admission Controller

The VPA Admission Controller handles resource recommendations at the time of pod creation. It works as a Mutating Admission Webhook, intercepting pod creation requests and injecting recommended resource values (requests and limits) before the pod is scheduled. However, this approach has its own set of challenges:

VWA Controller: A Safer and More Flexible Alternative

The VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler (VWA) offers an alternative that addresses many of the operational challenges presented by both the VPA Updater and Admission Controller, while still achieving the same goal of optimizing pod resource utilization.

Considerations for Implementation

The VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler (VWA) controller provides notable advantages in vertical scaling, particularly for production environments that require minimal disruption. While the VPA solution remains effective for many scenarios—especially where frequent pod evictions are acceptable or in non-production workloads—the VPA’s straightforward design and seamless integration with Kubernetes continue to make it a useful resource management tool.

The VWA addresses specific limitations associated with the VPA Updater and Admission Controller, offering enhanced control and flexibility. This makes it particularly beneficial in complex, high-availability, or stateful environments where managing resource allocation is critical. As with any tool, assessing the specific needs of the workload and environment will guide the decision to implement the VWA or stick with the VPA.


Deployment Example

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: web-app
  replicas: 3
        app: web-app
        - name: web
          image: nginx
              cpu: 100m
              memory: 128Mi
              cpu: 200m
              memory: 256Mi
kind: VerticalPodAutoscaler
  name: web-app-vpa
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: web-app
    updateMode: "Off"
kind: VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler
  name: web-app-vwa
    name: web-app-vpa
  avoidCPULimit: true
  updateFrequency: 5m
    cpu: 10
    memory: 15

StatefulSet Example (Redis Cluster)

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: redis-cluster
  replicas: 3
  serviceName: redis-cluster
        - name: redis
          image: redis:6.2
              cpu: 100m
              memory: 128Mi
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 512Mi
kind: VerticalPodAutoscaler
  name: redis-vpa
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: StatefulSet
    name: redis-cluster
    updateMode: "Off"
kind: VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler
  name: redis-vwa
    name: redis-vpa
  updateFrequency: 10m
  qualityOfService: Burstable
    cpu: 15
    memory: 20

Disclaimer: JVM Applications

The Vertical Workload Autoscaler (VWA), like the VPA, is not recommended for use with containerized Java (JVM) applications. JVM-specific behaviors, such as unpredictable garbage collection cycles and complex memory management (e.g., heap vs. non-heap memory), lead to resource recommendations that may not align with actual application needs. These challenges can result in inefficient scaling and potential over-provisioning.

For JVM applications, it’s often more effective to rely on manual resource tuning or custom autoscaling solutions tailored to JVM metrics and behaviors.


The VerticalWorkloadAutoscaler (VWA) controller offers a practical solution for managing vertical scaling in Kubernetes environments. With its focus on providing more control and reducing disruptions, VWA is designed to support both critical applications and stateful workloads effectively. It aims to make resource optimization a smoother process while respecting production requirements.

Feedback is always welcome, and thoughts or suggestions can be shared through pull requests or issues on the VWA GitHub repository. Contributions from the community are greatly appreciated, as they help to refine and enhance the VWA. Thank you for your interest in improving Kubernetes workload management!

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